Some Basics of HTML


1 min read

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No heading

No headings in the article.

Block Level element:

A block-level element always begins on a new line, and browsers add a margin (a space) before and after the element by default.

A block-level element always occupies the entire available width (stretches out to the left and right as far as possible).

(<div>and<p>) are the most famous block level element.

Inline Elements:

An inline element only uses the space that is required. An inline element only uses the space that is required.

(<span>) are the most famous Inline element.

Bold/strong Tag:

It is used to bold the text.


Italic/em Tag:

It is used to Italicizes text.


Underline tag:

It is used to underline the text.


Paragraph tag:

It is used to write paragraph.


Image tag:

It is used to insert image in the web page.

    <img src="" alt="">

Anchor tag:

It is used to interlinking the web pages. href is a attribute which means reference.

    <a href=""></a>

Subscript and Superscript Tag:

To Makes text subscript and supscript.

    <p>Formula of water: H<sub>2</sub>O</p>
    <p>Area of Square: side<sup>2</sup></p>

Mark tag:

To highlight the text.


Abbreviation tag:

To represents an abbreviation.

    <abbr title=""></abbr>

Definition Tag:

To represents a definition.
